Five Tips to Meditate with Your Partner
Connect with your partner more deeply through meditation! It's amazing how a few minutes of meditation with your partner is a powerful way to feel close not to mention the peacefulness you'll both feel afterwards. These five tips will help you get the most out of meditating with your partner.
Clear and Activate the Chakras
Balance and align your chakras with affirmations. These affirmations can be spoken aloud, written in your journal, or placed where you will see them. Work with the affirmation for the chakra that needs your help right now, or say them all together. Ask your inner wisdom what you need.

Recipes to Support Your Root Chakra
These recipes are all about supporting your root chakra through food. The food groups most associated with the root chakra are proteins (lentils, beans) and root vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, beets). Red fruits (apples, cherries, raspberries, etc) are also good because they’re reflecting the color of this chakra! When in doubt, eat the rainbow!

Find Grounding Balance with Tree Agate
Tree agate is a lesser known type of agate. The beautiful green tendrils running through the white stone simply enchant me. Like with most of my favorite crystals, I bought a piece and THEN looked up the meaning. Which, of course, was exactly what I needed at the time.

Five Ways to Keep Your Habits
We make habits with the best intentions, but then what? Here are five quick tips to help you keep your habits and create the life you want!