4 Chair Yoga Poses to Support Digestion
Can yoga help with tummy troubles? Moving in general is good for digestion, but these movements are targeted to support your digestive system. These poses aren't new, and you may already know them (even if you don't use them for yourself). For example, what do you do with a baby with an upset stomach? Would you bicycle their legs? With that in mind, you might notice that some of these poses achieve a similar motion for ourselves. Great way to get the effects without asking someone to bicycle our legs!
The first pose is a seated twist. I love this one for its simplicity. It can be done at a desk (or dinner table!). With your feet flat on the ground, bring your hand to your opposite knee. As you twist, you can reach your back arm straight away from you, or hold onto the back of the chair to keep your spine tall. Take a few deep breaths here, inhaling as you lengthen your spine, and exhaling to twist a little deeper. Do both sides.
This is a variation on the seated twist. Notice how the pose feels different with your foot up on the opposite knee. You can look behind you, or just off to the side you're twisting into. If your foot doesn’t reach comfortably to your opposite thigh, you can place the side of your foot on a block or the floor. Do both sides.
Seated knee to chest is where we truly see that "bicycle" movement that we know brings relief to babies. With one foot flat on the floor, you bring the other knee into your chest. Pull it in as close as feels comfortable. You can have your hands in front of your knee, under your thigh, or use a strap looped under your thigh if that’s more comfortable.
The last pose is a modification of the previous pose - seated knee to chest. Bring your knee to your chest with the opposite leg extended.
If it's uncomfortable to have the leg straight on the ground, you can bend your knee and bring the foot to the ground. If you're concerned about getting down on the ground, you can do this pose in bed!
This is a great stretch for your lower back, as well as another gentle twist with benefits for your tummy!
These poses can be done on their own, or as part of your existing fitness routine. My chair yoga (and floor) classes always incorporate lots of twists. So good for the body! If you’re near Gainesville, FL, I’d love to have you join me for chair yoga! We meet on Thursdays at 10:30am. You can register for upcoming classes here.
Love and light,