Katie - CounSouling

Katie is a licensed mental health and marriage and family therapist, but what brings her the most joy is providing workshops and spiritual readings. Katie specializes in Numerology, the Enneagram, the Akashic Records, and Pendulum Dowsing. She uses these resources to help people understand themselves through the lens of the relationship between Ego and Soul. Katie considers herself a CounSouler, helping people reSource through Soulutions. 

As a therapist, Katie saw that much of people’s suffering was due to Ego being disconnected from Soul and its infinite connection to Source/Spirit/The Divine/God(dess)/All that Is/the Great Beyond. The work she does as a CounSouler helps people become aware of the protective, fear-driven efforts of the Ego that contribute to painful patterns, disconnection from others, and ultimately feeling unfulfilled in their pursuits. Katie encourages people to face and embrace Ego, appreciating it for its commitment to protecting you and helping you navigate your lived experience in this physical world. Once Ego is befriended and disarmed, it can feel safe enough to acknowledge and even enjoy the guidance and journey of the Soul and the infinite love and wisdom from Source, our Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and transitioned loved ones in the spirit realm. CounSouling is all about moving from scared to sacred, where Ego and Soul are working in partnership to support you through life.

During your session, you will receive personalized information about the dynamic between your Ego and Soul. You will also be given Soulutions towards reSourcing Ego with Soul and the Beyond. This work is for anyone who is ready for meaningful change in their life.

You can reach out to Katie with questions or to schedule private work via her website or email:

www.fearlesscounsouling.com / fearlesscounsouling@gmail.com

Additional Resources

Heart Mind Healing Podcast Episode 12 - Unveiling Ego and Soul Through Enneagram & Numerology (featuring Katie Fields, PhD of Fearless CounSouling) - Watch on Youtube / Listen on Spotify

Browse books on Enneagram and Numerology available in our shop

Upcoming Workshops